Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our Achievements

The Fastest Ball Challenge

The ramp

First photogate

Second photogate and wooden block

Ramp with sunflower oil (background) used

Knob to adjust angle of ramp

Extraction of Caffeine from Beverages

Goggles that we used

Basket of equipments that we were provided

Lipton tea bags used

Buchner filtration

Bringing down the temperature of the extracted tea in the CHEMISTRY way (ice bath)

Pouring the tea into a separating funnel

Letting the mixture rest after shaking

Transferring caffeine dissolved in dcm into the round-bottom flask

Using the rotary evaporator to get caffeine

Presentation slides


  • What did you achieve by completing this project? When answering this question, consider both personal and academic development.
    • (CHEMISTRY) We learnt the chemists' way of performing certain procedures. For example, if one were to try and cool down a mixture to room temperature, the normal method to do so would be to place ice inside the solution but a chemist places the container of solution inside a basin of ice - 2 different methods entirely but both yield the same results. In addition to broadening our mindsets and opening our eyes to the various means of accomplishing a given task, the project enabled us to gain valuable knowledge in the field of DNA structures and graph reading. We learnt to identify peaks in the graphs to ascertain the chemicals present in our extracts.
    • (PHYSICS) We learnt the important lesson of not assuming things based on previous knowledge. For example, in our research, we found that oil, instead of acting as a lubricant, hinders the movement of the metal ball bearing as it rolls down the ramp. Although it baffled us, other groups have also collected data that proves this theory. This caused us to believe that certain oils contain compounds that makes it sticky and not slippery like we commonly believe. 
  • Describe how the design of your experiment or the design of your product allowed you to achieve the projects desired outcomes.
    • Not Applicable.
  • Identify possible limitations (restrictions) to your project. When answering this question, consider the design of your experiment or the design of your product.
    • Not Applicable.
  • Suggest possible improvements that could be made in order to minimize the limitations that you have identified.
    • Not Applicable.
(to be edited)

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